About Me

I love to cook and more importantly, I like to improve the way I cook certain dishes. As such, this blog is borne out of a desire for a simple and organized way to manage the different variations of the dish that I tried. I will be posting recipes, pictures and comments on what works for me and what don’t. Hopefully, you will enjoy your time here, and do remember to give your feedback! Cooking is a constant evolution, a process and definitely not an end result!

Grilled Sliced Beef with Red Wine Marinate with Portobello Mushroom

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Grilled Sliced Beef with Red Wine Marinate with Portobello Mushroom
  1. Steak
  2. Portobello Mushroom (Cut into Slices)
  3. Red Wine Marinate (eg. Brand Masterfood)
  4. Italian Herbs (eg. Brand Masterfood)
  5. Salt
  6. Coarse Black Pepper
  1. Marinate Steak with Red Wine Marinate for at least an hour. Best to leave it overnight in a fridge.
  2. Cut Steak into Slices and Place it on the upper layer of the Grill
  3. Spread Mushroom on to a Baking tray
  4. Sprinkle some Salt, Pepper, Mixed Herbs onto Mushroom
  1. Preheat Oven
  2. Slot Steak onto the upper grill
  3. Slot Mushroom onto the lower grill
  4. Set Oven to approx 15 minutes
  5. At 10 minutes, check if Steak is cooked to the tendency that you like and adjust timing accordingly.
Serve while Hot!

Good to be serve as a Main Course in an intimate event.


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