
[Guest Post] How to implement a healthier diet in your family by Brooke Chaplan

Balancing Act: How to Implement a Healthier Diet in Your Family
Chew on this: Most American families dine out more than a few times a week, and one fast food meal alone can equal at least two meal's worth of calories. It's no wonder the waistlines of children and adults alike are rapidly expanding. As families attempt to juggle hectic work and school schedules, there has to be a way to decrease indulging in convenience foods and keeping healthy, home-cooked meals a priority. Here are several ways to implement a healthier family diet without spending hours in the kitchen.
Plan Ahead
It might sound cliche, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (and can save families from packing on extra pounds!) Plan a weekly menu every Sunday, and be sure to get the whole family's input. Use resources online for tasty, low-fat fare everyone will enjoy. Once the meals are planned, it's that much easier to head to the store armed with a detailed list. Be sure to get a variety of meals so that children can also get used to trying new foods and be more balanced in their likes and dislikes.
When Shopping, Work the Perimeter
Shopping at the outskirts of the store will yield the healthiest, freshest ingredients, while the interior aisles are mostly packed with high calorie, preservative-laden junk foods. Work to incorporate plenty of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats. Don't completely forgo items like bread, pasta, rice, and snacks, but choose wisely.
Buy in Bulk
Consider joining a bulk store with a membership and reap the health benefits of buying in bulk. Stocking up on oatmeal, whole grain pasta, rice, beans, dried fruit, nuts, and frozen veggies will save time and money. Plus, with a fully stocked pantry, it will be much easier to resist a trip to a fast food restaurant. These club stores are also an ideal location to purchase vitamins and supplements in bulk to complement the dietary changes being made at home.
Don't Forget Fido
Now that the family pantry is stocked and meals are planned, don't forget the family dog. Why should Fido have to chomp on the same old crusty kibble when he could be feasting on raw food for dogs? Talk to the veterinarian to see if meat, veggies, fruit, eggs, and some dairy could be beneficial for the dog's overall health and beauty.
Clearly, it might take some time and planning to successfully maintain this balancing act of a healthy diet, but the result will be a fit, thriving family. It also allows fast food consumption to take its rightful place as a treat, instead of a daily requirement.

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