
[Guest Post] How to pick the perfect pack of strawberries by Casey Haslem

How to pick the perfect pack of Strawberries

Summer. The season brings long, hot days to the table as well as a wealth of fresh, ripe fruit. One such summertime treat is the strawberry. Red, juicy and sweet, this delicious fruit is a staple in the hot months and can be very affordable for today's family. Here are just a few tips to pick the perfect pack of strawberries and save money while getting the pick of the crop.

The first rule of thumb when selecting a good strawberry is to take in its color. What you'll want are berries that are a vibrant red and as free from green and white spots as possible. Keep in mind, strawberries do not ripen after being picked, so finding fruit with a rich red hue is key in picking the perfect fruit.

In addition to the color, you'll need to steer clear of any berries with visible soft spots. Strive to choose fruit which is firm and without any patches of mold. Even if only one berry in the bunch has mold, it can quickly spread to the rest of the pack.

Another tidbit to keep in mind is the size of the berry. While some strawberries in the local grocer's are an impressive size, it is said berries on the smaller size (think one-and-a-half inches for length and width) have a more concentrated sweetness.

Once you've got the hang of what to look for when picking out a package of delectable red berries, you'll want to seek out ways to make this summer bounty even more affordable. As with any fruit (or vegetable, for that matter), buying something that's in season will always lessen the cost. Yes, you can find strawberries around Christmas, but you can also expect a hefty pricetag to accompany the package whereas June or July will find the same fruit much more affordable.

Another way to keep your costs down when shopping for strawberries is to watch your local store circulars for sales. Learn what a good base price is for a pack of berries so you can be a savvy shopper, and when you see a good deal, pounce while the price is as hot as the temps outside.

Using coupons is also a great way to maximize savings and can be used even for fresh items like strawberries. Writing a company (such as Driscoll's) can net you money saving coupons; use in conjunction with a sale for the best price possible.

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