
Baked Garlic Prawns with White Wine and Parsley

Baked Garlic Prawns with White Wine and Parsley
Using White Wine for a light marination to the prawns bring out the sweetness of the prawns. And by baking it with Garlic and a dash of parsley infused a delicious aroma fragrant that after a day, my oven still smell of baked prawns! =)

As I do not have large prawns, hence, I am using a Medium ones. But it is recommended for the best result, large prawns are used instead.

For seafood lovers, I am sure that you will like this dish as much as I do.

This dish can be served as a Chinese dish or a Western dish as a Side. If large prawns are used, it can even be served as a main course. Placing the prawns on a nice plate, this dish will definitely be good to be serve in an intimate event.

  1. 12 Medium Prawns (Deveined)
  2. 2 tablespoon of Chopped Garlic
  3. 3 tablespoon of White Wine
  4. 1 tablespoon of Dried or Fresh Chopped Parsley (eg. Brand Masterfood)
  1. Slice the prawn in the middle without cutting it into 2 to make space for the Garlic
  2. Marinate the prawns with White Wine for 30 minutes
  3. After Marinating, add Garlic on the slice part of the prawns
  4. Sprinkle a little Parsley on the Prawns
  5. Place Prawns on a Baking Tray/ Aluminium Foil and use a Aluminium Foil and lightly covered it on top of the prawns
  1. Place Prawns into a preheat oven, 220 Degree Celius for 15 minutes
  2. At 12 minutes, check if the prawns are cooked and adjust the timing accordingly
Serve while Hot!

Tips and Comments:
  • Large Prawns are recommended to be used for this dish.
  • Using a kitchen scissor to cut the prawn's shells starting from it's head to the tails, then use a small knife to devein it.

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